Station 84
Station 84 is located at 640 Coyote Street, Nevada City. The Station occupies the same location as our Administration Offices which can be found in the upper parking lot. It is home to our swift water rescue program.

Coverage Area:
Highway 49 from Nevada City to the South Fork Yuba River bridge, Highway 20 North of Nevada City to the Bear Valley area, North Bloomfield, Cascade Shores, Quaker Hill, and other rural areas North/Northeast of Nevada City, South of the Yuba River.
Staffing Coverage:
Station 84 has full-time staffing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To do this, we have 3 shifts (A, B, C) that work 48 hours with 96 hours off.
- A-Shift: 1 Captain, 1, Lieutenant, 1 Firefighter/Operator
- B-Shift: 1 Captain, 1 Lieutenant, 1 Firefighter/Operator
- C-Shift: 1 Captain, 1 Lieutenant, 1 Firefighter/Operator